The emergency situation due to Covid 2019 and the related restrictions have led to a rethinking of educational processes. To focus these changes we must carefully consider the learning and continuing education of teachers. Therefore, we must consider carefully the learning and the teachers’ continuous training. To cope with the new frontiers of the educational poverty (Report Save the Children, 2021), the schools must rethink DDA, DDI and life skills. In a fast changing society, it is always necessary to renovate practices and knowledges, especially in the educational field. For this reason, an interesting challenge to which, on a global level, we are called to respond, is to reshape the framework in which the basic competences, but above all transversal and digital skills and global education are developed. Starting from teacher training between digital and soft skills, we also need to reflect on how didactics can be reshaped, with the aim of making students active protagonists of their learning and life process. A contribution to this is also given by the update of the Dig-Comp 2.2 framework which provides schools with operational indications for developing digital skills and above all digital citizenship
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v6i1.572
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296