Lucia Campitiello, Giovanni Arduini, Pio Alfredo Di Tore


The purpose of this work is to propose a workflow for the analysis of unstructured corpora of texts produced by pre-service support teachers, in search of latent topics and implicit assumptions of teachers about the concept of inclusion. The "Latent Epistemologies" project includes: 1) the definition of a workflow for the extraction of hidden topics in corpora of documents produced by future support teachers; 2) the administration of a series of tasks aimed at producing written texts by future teachers as part of the courses for the 6th cycle support; 3) the extraction of a network of hidden topics and the related analysis, in search of implicit assumptions of teachers relating to the concept of inclusion and its declinations in the pedagogical-didactic field; 4) the dissemination and sharing of the online tool, to allow the enrichment of the corpus and the dissemination of the analysis tool. In this first stage, the project focuses on defining a workflow for extracting hidden topics in a corpus of documents produced by future support teachers.


AI, Inclusion, Latent Epistemologies, Text Mining

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296