Benedetta Romano, Daniele Albano, Silvia Coppola


The characteristics of soccer show a high degree of complexity of this sport, which involves the continuous interaction of each individual athlete with teammates, opponents, the ball, the environment, the playing field and the rules (Machado et al., 2016). The behaviour of players and teams emerges from their interpretation of the various information coming from the game situations, namely constraints (Newell, 1986). The continuous interaction with and of these offers athletes numerous affordances (Gibson, 1979). Players self-organize to develop functional patterns of intra-individual, inter-individual and individual-environment coordination (Davids et al., 2013). By exploiting the manipulation of constraints, the coach can bring out useful action opportunities to improve tactical actions (Costa et al., 2015); the Small Sided Conditioned Games (SSCGs), through the manipulation, above all, of task constraints (playing area, number of performers, goals and rules), stimulate self-organization based on affordances present in the created context (Sangnier et al., 2019).


Soccer, Small-Sided Conditioned Games, Constraints-Led Approach

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