Rosanna Perrone, Lucia Pallonetto, Carmen Palumbo


Investigating the complexity of written communication is, specifically, analyzing the sign-graphic difficulties. The quality of the graphic stroke, in fact, implies multiple skills that converge, to give life to a silent conversation, contextually to the psychophysical state (Pesci G., 2004). The graphic gesture is not just a sign left on a sheet, but a representation of the image of oneself. The etiological reasons that define organizational-kinetic deficits such as dysgraphic disorder are to be found in multidimensional aspects (De Ajuriaguerra J. et al., 1979), which find the answers in the total use of the body and not only in eye movements-manuals (Gamelli I., 2011). A preliminary study was conducted through the administration of the BHK scale (Di Brina C., Rossini G., 2021). The survey is aimed at primary school pupils only and the selected sample is made up of 60, aged between 8 and 9, attending the third and fourth year. The main objective is to evaluate the presence of impaired graph-motor skills in developmental age.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v6i1.538


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