In recent years, italian schools have focused increasingly on inclusive physical education. Physical education classes and motor activities in general contributed in fundamental ways to the growth of the child in primary school, not only from the psychological standpoint but also in an educational perspective of development and the acquisition of life skills. Teachers are considered key players in the implementation of inclusive education. This research intends examine the value that the teachers themselves attribute to motor activity and physical education within the inclusive curriculum, through an exploratory story that uses a mixed quali-quantitative method. The sample consisted of 73 future teachers, in training at the University of Rome’s “Foro Italico” campus in the academic year 2020-2021. The Survey of Teacher Attitude Regarding Inclusive Education (Kern, 2006) was administered to these future teachers, introducing specific questions about motor activity and physical education. The research project subsequently provided for the organization of two focus groups to examine the results of the survey in depth. The results reveal an inclusive attitude on the part of the teachers, noting some problems with regard to motor activities and disability. The results underscore the need of inclusive training in the field of motor activities and education to guarantee every student full right to participation and instruction.
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