The present work aims at obtaining an insight into the inclusive practices (Altomari et al., 2020; D’Alonzo, Maggiolini, 2020) of future special needs teachers studying at the Universities of Reggio Calabria (Italy) with a focus on universal designing as an important reference point for the implementation of inclusive processes. More specifically, it endeavors to situate the Universal Design for Learning (Black et al., 2015; Meyer at al., 2014; Murawski, Scott, 2021) within a praxeological dimension (Parlebas, 2005;2003;2001;1999; Lagardera, Lavega, 2003). A cultural approach of the aforesaid kind sets out to reach beyond disability as an unsurmountable barrier and valorizes the special needs teacher's design and the special needs student's self-determination (Cottini, 2016). In this light, we cannot fail to reckon with praxeological studies of motor behavior as crucial to individual and social life.
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