The Covid-19 pandemic determined a radical revision of the activities in the Physical Education curriculum in schools (DPCM 17-5-2020). This survey, which is part of the project ‘Le Città Europee dello sport’ financed by EU funds, is carried out in ten public schools of all levels in the municipality of L'Aquila, and aims to detect, through interviews with privileged testimonials (16 subjects) and the administration of a questionnaire to curricular and support teachers (63 subjects), to what extent it is possible to guarantee the inclusive function of sport during the pandemic since many aggregative functions are at risk. Its purpose is to design intervention models involving schools and sports associations in order to reconcile aggregative activities and security requirements imposed by Covid. The results of our investigation, in terms of variations in teaching of physical education before and during the pandemic, shows a reduction in the group size in favor of individual activity even when didactics is conducted in presence.
Keywords: Sport, Inclusive School, Integrated System
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v6i1.504
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296