The study made increases and deepens a comparative survey carried out at the end of last year on a sample made up of students with disabilities from Three-year degree in Motor Science courses and Master's Degree in Sports and Motor Activities Managementones, including in the research students with disabilities of the 11 courses of study activeat the Pegaso Telematic University in the period under investigation.
The purpose of the study has been to test the stability, evenin a pandemic period, of the strategies proposed by the Inclusion and Participation Office of Pegaso Telematic University.
The University gives an inclusion program focused not only on assistive IT equipment but also on corrective and /or improvement actions, while the contents dont’tsufferany quantitative attenuations, but at the most, reconsiderations from a procedural point of view.
Starting from the data relating to the students who rely on the services of the Inclusion and Participation office, a comparative analysis was carried out between the data relating to the period from March '19 to March '20 and those relating to the following 12 months, that’s to say the first year of the pandemic.
The sample studied is made up of students with disabilities enrolled in degree courses of Pegaso Telematic University whoad here to the inclusion and participation program: the data being compared were the number of students with disabilities and the number of examstaken by students joining the inclusion project before and during the pandemic period.
The aim has been to demonstrate that having a well-structured training project, even in extreme situations suchas the current one which has seen relevant organization aldifficulties in the sector of inclusion of many institutions, it is possible to achieve the expected learning out comes.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296