This article focuses on the role that Physical Education and Motor Activity play in promoting individual growth and enhancement in the teaching and learning processes. This is a complex issue that needs to be framed within a broad system framework that concerns the adequacy of the school system with respect to the needs posed by the knowledge and information society. Attention is focused, in particular, on two issues: the first, what it means to adapt physical and sports education to promote the full development of the person, while the second, whether it is possible to consider motor activity a tool to encourage paths of inclusion.
This reflection leads us to analyze the thesis according to which Physical Education and Motor Activity, and therefore the teaching methodologies suggested by the Adapted Physical Education (APE), that is the educational field of the school system, constitute valid tools for the purpose of promotion of integration processes and the successful educational outcome of the student. The inclusive perspective leads us to reflect and consider new methods, aspects and models to "understand" the differences and diversities of each and every one in their uniqueness and favor the belongingness and active participation of all people, including those with disabilities, to contain possible forms of discrimination and exclusion and overcome the disabling barriers that characterize daily life.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296