The advent of new technologies has changed the educational and training scenarios especially during the emergency period caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, given the impossibility of traditional teaching, a new type of teaching was opted for: the distance teaching. During this period the teaching that has undergone the most changes is Physical Education. Physical Education should be one of the most important subjects in educational and teaching processes, especially in the digital age, as a sedentary lifestyle and the lack of healthy physical activity only brings disadvantages. School teaching, as well as the training of sports science’ teachers by universities, must be revised and must include methodologies and technologies that allow future teachers to be ready in the case of periods such as the current one, or in general, to integrate methods and tools that can increase students' interest in this discipline. It could be argued that the impossibility of doing activities on the move has caused what we could define as a "dispersion from the teaching of physical education" in the school. This dispersion affects pupils with special educational needs even more as dispensatory measures and compensatory tools were sometimes not as applicable or effective as during traditional teaching.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296