Arianna Taddei


This contribution intends to investigate the phenomenon of associationism of families of children with disabilities through a Scoping Review which has set itself, among its main objectives, that of identifying the approaches and support strategies adopted by the families of the associations. The results are in continuity with the first part of the study presented in a previous work by the author (****) which had the purpose of studying the roles, motivations and purposes of associations of families of children with disabilities, offering interesting suggestions and factors for reflection also for this article.The results described below urge special pedagogy to undertake research trajectories that turn the spotlight on the evolving pedagogical processes within families of children with disabilities, with particular attention to the associative dimension. The approaches of empowerment and resilience as well as coping and parent to parent support strategies attribute a strategic role to the family in its plurality of voices, identities, needs and desires which deserve to be adequately investigated.


Scoping Review, Family Associations, Children with Disabilities, Approaches, Inclusive Strategies.

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