Moreno Martinelli, Francesco Casolo


The risks and benefits of technology in school and university education play an important role in the educational paths used by teachers, especially for students with vulnerabilities. The article tries to indicate the elements that contribute to making conscious choices in an inclusive vision of education where the speed of technological innovation brings with it extraordinary potential that must however be declined. The body, in some approaches, risks being overshadowed but the evidence from Embodied Cognitive Science shows an intra and transdisciplinary vision that goes in the opposite direction. One of the current pedagogical challenges is that of being able to integrate technology effectively for school and university learning but also that the body can express its potential and that it is not silenced in particular for those who show vulnerabilities.


Didactic technology; Vulnerability; Embodied Cognitive Science.

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296