Starting from the first lockdown, in April 2020, many Italian universities have created the conditions for taking lessons in the hours and days already scheduled through just one video conferencing software to connect students and professors. Indeed, many universities have worked assiduously to face the challenge of forced video-digitization imposed by the pandemic in a short time and with practical solutions, finally, they were being able to fully use the video-conferencing platforms that in many cases they already had, but they were used only in in sporadic cases. This work tries to bring out the experience happened at the University of Salerno regarding this issue and in particular about the sense of presence in remote synchronous teaching that it could be bringing out concerning three factors: objectivity, subjectivity and intersubjectivity necessary in the teaching-learning process that transits on a multimedia channel, streaming video in real-time, which must take into account.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296