Valeria Minghelli, Cristiana D'Anna


The school of the 21st century has to face continuous and sudden “emergencies”, from special educational needs to the recent and current health emergency, which require constant adjustment of the organization and teacher planning, as well as teacher training. The theme of affordances recalls that of practical rationality understood as the ability, of the teacher, to respond in a co-evolutionary, systematic and sudden manner to the requests of the physical and social environment. In the ecological vision of Embodied Cognition in which brain, body, emotions, and environment co-actively participate in the processes of knowledge, the perception is functional to action, therefore it is important that training offers different perceptual inputs, in order to “guide” the multiple actions to activate in the class context rapid, automatic, better to say embodied, decision-making processes to respond to the different and special needs of each pupil. The Integrated Teacher Training ECb aims to understand the potential of a design that promotes multimodal cognitive, body, emotional and social involvement in inclusive learning processes. The contribution presents a study on the Integrated Teacher Training ECb experimented in the laboratory of Tfa Course for Support. The results of the research highlight the effectiveness of the implemented training model which produces positive effects on teachers in terms of motivation to participate, perceived effectiveness as a support teacher, development of inclusive teaching skills.


Affordances; Embodied Cognition; Integrated Teacher Training; inclusive education

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