Considerable changes on the methods of communication, as well as on the knowledge building and social interactions, are a result of innovations linked to the use of the mass media, of digital tools for information processing and on the massive diffusion of the Internet. One of the most significant technological innovations of the last few years is undeniably Internet, established thanks to the Web around the beginning of the nineties. Numerous authors have investigated the changes resulting from technological evolution and the intertwining that is generated between technological innovation and knowledge production processes is of particular relevance. A lot of research also highlights the advantages related to the use of new technologies in teaching. The features of the new technologies allow, therefore, the activation of numerous perceptual and sensory channels that can help improve the learning experience. In this regard, Teatino considers: “the new horizons opened by multimedia represent the synthesis of the characteristics on which the mechanism of motivation is triggered: novelty, attractiveness, functionality and feasibility are qualitative factors that stimulate cognitive processes” (Teatino, 2010). The fundamental aspect of multimedia communication is certainly the dynamism and multisensory involvement that digital devices are capable of conveying by allowing the creation of rich and stimulating learning environments within the teaching context. Moreover, it should be stressed how important technological innovations are for students with disabilities or with specific learning impairment. In particular, the use of assistive technologies is fundamental for pupils with disabilities: these technologies represent a very important link between the “functioning” of students and their participation in school activities, allowing to overcome those barriers (not just physical) that limit their full inclusion. In this paper we intend to analyze the main characteristics of assistive technologies and, in general, of new technologies for the purpose of school inclusion, starting from the premise that it is essential to guarantee disabled students the full development of their potential to achieve their educational success.
In this work we intend to reflect on the possible methodologies and on the multiple uses of new technologies in the creation of inclusive learning paths.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296