Franco Bruno Castaldo


Cognitive sciences have a necessary interdisciplinary nature due to the fact that no single discipline can do full justice to the complexity of the various issues. The present case considers a young student born without his left hand. People with congenital limb deficiency sometimes experience the movement of their ghosts; they are self-aware of it, even without being embodied by it. The absence of input does not block neural networks from generating messages on the missing parts of the body; they continue to produce such messages that can emotionally unbalance the subject if there’s not an adequate Embodiment Education. Exercise and Sports Sciences also have an interdisciplinary nature; this work presents a modality of intervention for the rehabilitation of a class and a disabled scholar (G) and of the relational dynamics revolving around the phenomenon of disability. One question remains unanswered: can talking about Embodied Cognition and Social Affordance also mean using “the other” or understanding how to “use it”?


Embodied Cognition; Embodied Education; Hand Agenesis; Phantom limb; Sitting Volley

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v5i3.414


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ISSN printed: 2532-3296