Pedagogical research has highlighted that a proper psychomotor development affects the learning process in a positive way during the psychophysical growth of children and young people. The literature calls attention to the fact that physical education and physical activity have made a signifcant contribution to the sedentary habits prevention, the adoption of healthy lifestyles, the health promotion and the learning process development of the subjects. Unfortunately, the data that we report in this work about people in Italy doing regular physical activities in their developing age doesn’t represent encouraging fgures. Moreover, it has been proved that urgent intervention is also needed after the events due to the pandemic Covid-19: many studies mentioned herein have demonstrated that there is a strong correlation between SARS-Cov-2 mortality and obesity. The interpretation is that, at an educational level, something is not working properly: it is necessary to strengthen the relationship between physical activity and education. In other words, it is fundamental for the Physical Education teachers, but also for those stakeholders connected to the teaching of sport and the recreational-motor activities to have the will to promote good practices. In particular, the specifc motor and sport components should be oriented towards a real motor literacy, by promoting the development of autonomy and the self-emancipation of the individuals. The contribution emphasises and refects on these issues by placing the body and the movement at the heart of a health promotion perspective.
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