Stefania Morsanuto, Anna Maria Mariani, Francesco Peluso Cassese, Marco Perissa, Juri Morico


Measures aimed at containing the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) have led to social distancing and the limitation of exits for all age groups. Physical movement was drastically limited or stopped, with important consequences on physical and mental well-being. This can have a negative effect on body image, especially on the younger population, leading to a lower level of self-efficacy and self-esteem.

Many opportunities to be physically active have been suspended (Hall et al., 2020) with potential consequences for children and adults. As a matter of fact, physical inactivity can have a negative effect on body image, especially in younger population (Gaddad et al., 2018) with severe consequences in self-efficacy and academic achievement (D’Amico & Cardaci, 2003). In older adults the greater sedentary time, can lead to the increased risk of ill-health and poor wellbeing when associated with isolation (Schrempft et al., 2019; Herbolsheimer et al., 2018).

Many research activities, in the field of social sciences and biology, have analyzed the benefits of physical activity on psycho-physical well-being. There are numerous scientific evidences showing how exercise decreases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and some forms of cancer, in addition to helping preventing obesity and diabetes (Warburton, Nicol, Bredin, 2006). Furthermore, physical exercise has significant effects on mental health (Stuart, 2016); in particular, the benefits of sport have been explored to counteract the development of states of anxiety (Anderson, Shivakumar, 2013) and depression (Craft, Perna, 2004). We can affirm that sport is an important moderating variable in the perception of individual well-being, the integrity of which depends on numerous factors of an environmental and personal nature, which, all together, determine our health state.

Through this study we wanted to analyze how the pandemic has changed the sports practice habits of the Italian population in the period of social restrictions. The O.P.E.S. Organizzazione per l'Educazione allo Sport (Organization for Sports Education) distributed and collected the results of a social survey questionnaire that reached hundreds of people practicing sports by collecting data on both users and changes in the service offer.

This article scientifically analyzes the results of the questionnaire and on the basis of these evaluations are proposed on the impact of the COVID 19 emergency period on sports practice in Italy.


Sport Managing; Athlete; Covid-19; Life style; Data Analysis; Sport Manager, Atleti; Covid-19; Stile di vita; Analisi dei dati

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