Learning should be safeguarded and cultivated from the point of view of the spontaneity and pleasure that the
constancy of interactions with oneself, with others and with the world provide to individuals; the exercise of the
ability to refine these interactions to make them increasingly functional and, above all, an irreducible component of
a process of self-determination of the Self and the conquest of a lifelong existential planning is entrusted primarily
to training systems and processes. In the light of increasingly widespread phenomena of renunciation of full participation in one’s own life, one wonders in what direction pedagogy and didactics can act. Understanding what is
happening as an impoverishment of the vital impulse in which the processes of adaptation are based on meaningful
and creative - and not replicating and alienating - learning, an important opportunity could be represented by giving
priority to the dimension of creative thinking in learning and training processes.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v5i2.399
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