Interventions for the health promotion and motor activities in primary school. The SBAM Project! - Health, Wellness, Nutrition, Movement at school.
Physical education in primary school has recently received a significant boost through the implementation of multicomponent and inter-institutional projects providing for the increase in the number of curricular hours and the implementation of various integrated measures aimed at development the time of motor commitment, interdisciplinary and transversal educational relationships.
At the same time, these programs envisaged the teachers training and the development of partnerships with sports associations and local administrations. In Italy, regional programs are being carried out in which curricular physical education plays a central role and it’s linked to other educational actions, such as education in correct eating habits and active transport/sustainable mobility. The second edition of the three-year regional project SBAM!, established by the Apulia Region, in collaboration with the Regional School Office, the Didactic Laboratory of Motor Activities of the University of Foggia, the Coni - Regional Committee, aimed at primary school children, has ended and the third edition is being planned.
The following contribution presents a review on the multicomponent projects, carried out in various countries and the main cultural and methodological reference framework, which constitutes the integrating background of the Apulian project, focused on Physical LiteracyKeywords
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