Chiara Panciroli, Manuela Fabbri, Anita Macauda


The paper focuses on research on educational robotics, neuroscience and artificial intelligence, in relation to the development of learning processes and the relationship between body, mind and knowledge construction. The first part of the contribution defines the theoretical frameworks of reference on neuroscience and artificial intelligence on the one hand and on educational robotics on the other. In the second part, the first results of a systematic analysis of the contributions published over 2010-2020 are presented. In fact, in recent years, many initiatives have involved primary and secondary schools in innovative projects for the application of robotics, especially in the STEM disciplines. These projects show how robotic technology is able to support the development of students' cognitive, socio-relational and aesthetic-emotional processes. In fact, the younger generations are offered the possibility through robotics to experiment with new spaces of action / communication between the different areas of knowledge.


Educational robotics, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Learning, Educational Technologies

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