This article aims to present the development of an inclusive educational method implemented in a swimming pool in order to foster the development of children with autistic syndrome. The innovation of the project lies in bringing together the knowledge and experience of educators seeking to develop a pedagogical understanding and practice of play activities, both with children with autistic syndrome and their parents. In addition, the potential for social inclusion was documented using in particular the theory of Motor Praxeology, which illustrates how physical experience influences not only biophysical but also socio-relational aspects, facilitating the acquisition of self-awareness. The present article then reports empirical results on the impact of the “Families in Water” project on inclusion. The data were collected mainly through observations on fragile children, and on the processes produced by the activities carried out. Finally, the inclusion potential is examined through a communicative/relational approach that questions the traditional way of interpreting physical activities, which hinders the understanding of the social inclusion processes for each child. The results indicate that the project guided the children towards a transformative process, through the design of an inclusive environment able to meet and support the children’s needs, highlighting how play and motor practices can both reveal aspects of personality and provide meaningful social and relational experiences.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296