Annamaria De Santis, Katia Sannicandro, Claudia Bellini, Alessia Cadamuro, Tommaso Minerva


Which models and frameworks can guide research investigating the link between metacognition, literacy, numeracy, and academic success?

The study we present here is based on research involving 107 students enrolled in the Digital Education degree course at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

We put in relation the results of three questionnaires on metacognition awareness (MAI), literacy, and numeracy to the students' university achievement and profiles.

Using cluster analysis, we identified groups of students with similar results in the three questionnaires. After, we verified if different values on academic performances characterized the clusters.

The Euclidean distance best fits our data, the method chosen to aggregate the groups is the Complete-linkage. A six-clusters solution was proposed.

Positive test results affect the quality and not the quantity of the exams passed. Students with higher exam grades belong to the groups in which numeracy test results are higher. The percentages of university credits acquired seemed higher when there was less uniformity in the students' entry test results.



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