This article reports the results of a survey carried out on 200 students attending the specialization course for special ed training during their first cycle of education. The purpose of this study was to understand whether technology made testing more "accessible" to students with SEN during the assessment stage of their learning. A questionnaire was administered for the survey so as to learn about the use of software and applications for the assessment of pupils affected by the most common learning disorders (DDAI, autism spectrum syndrome, cognitive disability, sensory disability - sight and hearing -, Down syndrome). The research shows that the teachers' technological skills are rather lacking and that they have little knowledge of applications. The literature on the other hand, has proven that technology is very useful and effective. Almost all of the trainees consider technology training essential to acquire the effective tools to improve the quality of assessment.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296