Graphomotricity is a function inherent in the human being, which «allows to trace a message of any kind in a determined space thanks to the combined movements of the arm and the hand in close connection with the whole body, first place of expression of emotional life, cognitive and relationship» (Boscaini, 2008).
The way in which the person distributes the writing on the sheet can be considered the expression of the way in which it moves in the environment (Moretti, 2006, Torbidoni & Zanin 2013, Conficoni, 2018) and the way to trace the graphic strokes and to arrange the words on the sheet, can be indicative of the subjective orientations (cognitive, volitional and affective) towards the world.
The aim of this research is to verify the correlation between certain features of the handwriting and the configuration of fundamental cognitive styles (executive, judicial and creative), as they were identified by J. R. Sternberg.
It is also possible to assume that there is a transfer from the space lived with the body, to the space of the sheet, through a process activated by bodily and emotional experience.
The detection of cognitive styles is conducted on about 300 subjects aged between 13 and 19 years, through the administration of the test developed by J.R. Sternberg. The detection of the graphic features will take place through the software Masquerade, developed by the Company Spin Off Nite (Natural Intelligent technologies) of the University of Salerno and will be focused on the graphic signs explorable through the use of this tool.
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