Alessandro Bortolotti, Fabiana Cristina Turelli, David Kirk


The article seeks to understand what the reduction in mobility brought about by the pandemic severely affected the possibilities of bodily well-being. Due to the focus of our text, we will refer here to those people who for the most part was not infected by the virus, but who also suffer from the pandemic, seeking to focus on the effects on their body. These bodies, largely prevented from moving, even without viruses, also undergo disease processes, and have to deal with a lot of instability, which leads to very important problems. The scenario of uncertainty, fear, even violence, affects students, children, so that they develop mental illnesses. That is why Kirk proposes work with Pedagogies of affect, where teachers have a fundamental role in offering support and some kind of stability to these children. Finally, we remind that Outdoor Education is recognized as a very effective approach for both counterbalance the pandemic restrictions, and reconnecting people to their places and lives, too.


Pedagogy; Inclusion; Education; Motor Science

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296