Roberta Rosa, Domenico Tafuri


Health protection in Penitentiary Institutions is a very topical issue, even more emphasized in this particular period of pandemic in which it needs to keep guaranteeing the right to health of people deprived of their personal freedom, by promoting their well-being.

This contribution aims to highlight how the right to health of prisoners at the time of the pandemic can be implemented through body-mediated activities, as fundamental therapeutic and educational treatment strategies in the promotion of the person's psycho-physical-social well-being. Health education interventions based on movement within the prison environment guarantee the "right" to health of people with restricted freedom, allow prisoners to improve their well-being, benefiting from the positive effects on the body at a psychological, motor, emotional and relational level; in addition, they are a valuable tool through which the psycho-pedagogical value of the body contributes to promote those processes capable of triggering an existential change of people, for their future social reintegration.


Right to Health, Well-being, Prison, Pandemic, Education, Corporeity

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v5i1.307


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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296