The Prime Minister's Decree of March 9th, 2020 has brought unexpected and unimaginable changes to the Italian education system: the containment of one of the most tragic pandemics in recent decades has seen the suspension of all face to face educational activities. Therefore, all Italian universities also had to adopt innovative solutions to ensure the correct performance of the lessons and activities foreseen in the academic calendar. The adjustments adopted by the various universities have allowed the continuation of almost all educational activities, (starting from lessons up to graduation) for the first time in history, exclusively in remote mode. The aim of this work is to reflect on the problems related to the changes that are affecting the Italian education system and to trace some research paths starting from the remote teaching experiences developed by universities. The data collected in this work are intended to provide a first overview of the choices made by universities with respect to the software and teaching platforms used, with the awareness that the strong acceleration imparted to distance learning will unquestionably mark a new chapter in the history of the scholastic and academic world and represents, at the same time, a great driving force for educational research.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296