No doubt the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has changed the way we live and inhabit the world. From the reduction of our living spaces – which have been almost essentially confined within our homes – to the reduction of daily commuting, up to the transformation of our relationship with health, coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) is still continuing to change our lifestyles, probably improving some aspects. Thus, 2020 also gave a big boost to distance learning. The health emergency, in fact, has prompted the use of distance learning solutions which – although had been already deepened in pedagogy and didactics by Media Education – until today were considered marginal, both in working and school/university training contexts. At the center of the contemporary debate on distance learning there is certainly the relationship among body, space and time, which urges us to reflect on some questions. Is presence a value and distance a disvalue? Does presence learning guarantee the educational relationship and does distance learning impoverish it? What is the perspective to follow? The common sense would seem to lean towards a golden mean, further nourishing those dichotomies between body/mind, space/time, presence/distance. The aim of this paper is to reflect on these aspects, supporting a perspective that consider distance learning an educational chance which, however, needs to be designed in a more competent way.
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ISSN printed: 2532-3296