Stefania Morsanuto, Paola Damiani


This work constitutes the presentation of a tool to support educators and teachers, of the educational path 0-6, by building an in-depth knowledge of their students through observation, which allows to detect useful data so that teaching practices can be improved and so that they create functional and inclusive, high-class programs that take into account the specificities of individual children. The tool was born as a response to the guidelines drawn up in a global way by the institutions. The creation of the integrated system of education and instruction 0-6 years has brought back to the centre of national attention the issue of the right to education of children (UN Convention on the rights of the child of 1989, ratified in Italy with the law 27/05 / 1991, n. 176; growing EU interest in Early childhood education and care with the "forty quality objectives" of childcare services -1996-, with studies to analyse the contribution of childcare services to cognitive development and socio-emotional nature of children, with a European framework for the quality of educational and care services for children -2012-).


Educational paths; 0-6 years; Observation; Programming; ICF

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296