Changing Posture: the perspective of Embodied Pedagogy

Laura Corbella, Nicoletta Ferri, Ivano Gamelli


The current adaptation in didactics, due to prevent Sars-Cov-2 spread, involves the massive use, by institutions, of distance learning. This brings into focus the risk of the complete removal of bodies in the process of teaching and learning. In this article we discuss the epistemological posture of Embodied Pedagogy focusing its common roots with Embodied Cognition’s framework. Then, we present two practices, typical of Embodied Pedagogy approach, in light with their connection with findings in neuroscience and arguing their enactive nature. In detail, we present examples for their implementation both in presence and in distance educational settings.

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296