Tiziana De Vita, Domenico Tafuri


The objective of this contribution is to analyze the positive educational value of re-educational treatment in prisons, even in times of health emergencies.

Law 354/1974 on the penitentiary system includes education among the main elements of the treatment (Article 15), together with work, religious, cultural, recreational and sports activities, and the links with the outside world and family members.

Education has taken on particular value in the implementation of a re-education program aimed at promoting the harmonious and comprehensive development of the prisoner's personality.

Cultural and vocational training in penitentiary institutions is implemented through compulsory schooling and vocational training courses, second-level schools are included on an optional basis. University studies are also facilitated, either by correspondence or by radio and television. Education plays a very important role in the prisoner's re-education process, and is a tool geared not only to a deepening of school and vocational training, but also to the promotion of new interests and stimuli for an inclusive development of the individual's knowledge and personality


Education, Right to study, Distance learning, Prison, Health emergency

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296