Teaching Physical Education During Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19). Educational Reflections & Proposal

Sergio Bellantonio, Dario Colella


The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) forced the Italian population, and beyond, to live about a hundred days of confinement, where subjects were forced to live a suspended time that marked a decisive slowdown in individual and community lives. Every area of human existence has been overwhelmed by considerable changes, including school and Physical Education. As is well known, Physical Education has an essentially practical connotation and that, therefore, needs to be carried out in presence and in suitable spaces, although it has tried to intervene remotely to allow the educational continuity that every curricular teaching has necessarily had to carry on. It was a unique critical situation that needs to be interpreted on the educational side, so as to better understand this curricular didactics, what possible future scenarios arise, such as any drifts that could be met. The aim of this paper is to reflect from an educational perspective, proposing indications that allow teachers to continue to operate safely, while not distorting the fundamentally practical connotation that distinguishes this teaching.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v4i2.192


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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296