L’occupabilità di persone in condizione di disabilità. Lo strumento del digital curricola story
The following work aims to reflect on the promotion of the employability of disability young adults through the use of the Digital Curriculum Story (De Carlo, 2016) as a tool for exploring skills. We chose to adopt this tool in an exploratory study aimed at exploring and promoting the employability of two young women with Down syndrome, one in France and one in Italy. These young women were followed in their work and in their free time in order to document their experiences through the photographic support. In order to activate the reflection on the experiences characterizing the life project of the subjects and their skills, aimed at the realization of the digital curriculum story, we chose to adopt the reasoned Autobiography device (Desroche, 1990). We chose to carry out a qualitative analysis of the reasoned autobiographies and of the digital curriculum story using the Nvivo software (Richards, 1999) in the perspective of the Grounded Theory (Glaser, Strauss, 1968). The exploratory study made it possible to highlight the central role of the guidance that can be declined through the digital curriculum aimed at both the recognition of one's own skills and the planning and realization of one's own project of life, putting the look not on the disability but on the resources of the subjects.
The following work aims to reflect on the promotion of the employability of disability young adults through the use of the Digital Curriculum Story (De Carlo, 2016) as a tool for exploring skills. We chose to adopt this tool in an exploratory study aimed at exploring and promoting the employability of two young women with Down syndrome, one in France and one in Italy. These young women were followed in their work and in their free time in order to document their experiences through the photographic support. In order to activate the reflection on the experiences characterizing the life project of the subjects and their skills, aimed at the realization of the digital curriculum story, we chose to adopt the reasoned Autobiography device (Desroche, 1990). We chose to carry out a qualitative analysis of the reasoned autobiographies and of the digital curriculum story using the Nvivo software (Richards, 1999) in the perspective of the Grounded Theory (Glaser, Strauss, 1968). The exploratory study made it possible to highlight the central role of the guidance that can be declined through the digital curriculum aimed at both the recognition of one's own skills and the planning and realization of one's own project of life, putting the look not on the disability but on the resources of the subjects
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v4i1.166
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296