Roberta Rosa, Lorenzo Donini, Francesco De Luca


During childhood and adolescence it is very important to develop social skills; by creating moments and spaces in which to live positive emotions and create social relationships, motor and sports activities and dance play a significant role in the development of the person's Overall Well-being (understood in its cognitive, emotional, physical-motor, socio-relational, and spiritual multidimensionality) and in the improvement of the Quality of Life. The aim of this paper is to highlight the psycho-physical, affective-emotional and socio-relational effects of the Biodanza RTS experience on the development of emotional competences linked to the learning of social skills, and the contribution of the latter to the improvement of children and adolescents' quality of life. The transformative, educational and didactic potential of Biodanza RTS is based on bodily-mediated training processes, capable of triggering an existential change that is closely linked to the enhancement of social skills, such as the ability to express one's own emotions, reading those of others, cooperate and feel empathy, and which contribute to get to a personal evolution, to the development of social relationships and to the improvement of the quality of life.

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