This paper examines the interplay between emotional understanding and emodiversity through Outdoor Education (OE), emphasizing how natural environments foster a wide range of emotional experiences. These experiences, in turn, enrich the educational process, supporting the personal and social growth of students. The research highlights the potential of OE in promoting emotional regulation, resilience, and socio-emotional skills, offering unique opportunities to cultivate a diverse emotional ecosystem. Integrating OE with Socio-Emotional Education (SEE) can significantly enhance students' emotional intelligence and overall well-being, providing a holistic educational framework where emotions, learning, and nature are interconnected. The contribution is based on a conceptual review of existing literature, analyzing the evolution of the concepts of emodiversity, OE, and SEE, and suggesting how they can be integrated into educational processes to promote students' emotional development. Through OE, students are exposed to situations that require active emotional management and collaboration with peers, contributing to the creation of an inclusive and resilient learning environment.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296