“Knowing how to get” by in order to develop daily life activities (ADL) for individuals with autistic spectrum disorders, would teach them to handle any inconvenience of everyday life. All of this stems from a question that every neuro-convergent has to face daily: What we are going to eat for lunch?. When we have a selective amount of food in our fridge and we don’t know enough recipes to make, “Svuotafrigo” app brings help to everyone. In this way, we have sperimented with 4 young people affected by autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), between the age of 18 and 22, the use of “Svuotafrigo” app, provided with total tasking chaining (TTC), to assist them experimenting a problem solving way for the questions of everyday life. Everyone of them has been previously selected based on the same basic prerequisites and on the same functioning ways.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v8i3.1216
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