Emotional intelligence is defined as a multidimensional
construct and corresponds to the ability to recognise,
understand, manage and influence one's own emotions and
those of others effectively. In literature, it has been found that
a teacher's emotional intelligence is a correlated or predictive
factor of work and school success, personal well-being, selfefficacy,
stress management and student outcomes. In
particular, there is more evidence of increased teacher burnout
when working in classrooms with pupils with special
educational needs. The research aims to explore the potential
of the educational use of chatbots. Thanks to their intrinsic
characteristics linked to accessibility, customization and
immediate feedback, these could represent useful tools to
support the teacher in the acquisition of knowledge and
abilities regarding emotions, which would then favour the
development of emotional intelligence and emotional
education in learners. Therefore, a longitudinal research project
involving the use of a chatbot to foster teacher emotional
literacy will be presented.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v8i2.1172
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