Antinea Ambretti, Arianna Fogliata, Giuseppe Desideri, Stefano Tardini


In an educational context where the effectiveness of teaching
physical sciences is increasingly intertwined with the integration of
technologies and online training, this work presents itself as an
exploratory investigation related to Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) applied in a practical way to
enhance physical, sensitive learning through the stimulation of
proprioception in the training path of future physical education
teachers. Applying tools like ICT not only for theoretical teaching
but also to facilitate bodily learning, through the aid of specific
exercises to stimulate the use of proprioception and body
awareness in a distance learning context, could prove to be
interesting and a useful support to a study path that turns its
operational attention to practical and concrete elements.
Examining the possible impact, therefore, of strategies that allow
future physical education teachers to "feel and be felt" in
movement or posture, and not just to see or analyze it externally,
could prove to be extremely useful for the sector's subjects. Using
technologies that provide interruptions and require immediate,
sensitive feedback, or that guide the reproduction of specific
gestures fundamental to movement. The investigation aims to verify
if this targeted use of ICT can improve teacher training, allowing
them to develop greater sensitivity towards the subtle dynamics of
bodily movement, a useful tool for transferring skills to students as
per the Sincrony movement education model.
Evaluating a theoretical learning that does not exclude practical
learning could pave the way for new educational integrations in
physical sciences, making those subjects more closely linked to
practice, significant also through the discovery of one's body in
movement, using technology as a bridge between theoretical
knowledge and bodily experience. In light of this, the authors aimed
to identify which characteristics ICT should have to be effective in
teaching and learning proprioception, and how it itself can be 

perceived as important by students and/or sector technicians,
through two groups, one with physical education teachers, and one
with students.
This exploratory investigation thus sought to collect opinions and
needs. The results obtained aimed to outline a picture of the online
teaching needs and the opportunities offered by technologies in
relation to multidisciplinary and multifactorial learning, in order to
contribute to the design of a conceptual prototype for future ICT
applications in this field.


teaching; education; motor scince and physical education;; learning; TIC;

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296