Francesca Latino, Francesco Tafuri


The international scenario is moving rapidly towards the promotion of an inclusive school. In Italy, this reality has been faced for many years, but the transformations and international discussion have raised new questions and critical reflections. In particular, the focus of research in the pedagogical and psychological fields is now placed on what are considered the key factors of integration and inclusion processes, namely teacher training, the development and monitoring of educational contexts, as well as the production and increase of inclusive teaching practices. The heated debate that has been open for several years now on issues related to the inclusive process at the national level, represents the background from which the idea of the research presented in this work starts and develops.


academic achievement; special pedagogy; educationa process

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v8i1.1018


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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296