Pedagogy of emergency and vulnerability and Covid-19: psychological aspects and links with technology

Luigi Piceci, Laura Cancellara


The current COVID-19 emergency, the joint combination of environmental degradation, the geopolitical challenge of the international landscape, the increasing inequalities, and the deep economic interconnections have made the world more vulnerable.

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a multidimensional impact on our society, affecting human and social capital, institutions, communities, and the collective in general. "In a time of rapid and radical transformations and existential challenges, the Knowledge Society, globalized and risk-taking ( Gallerani, 2016), calls for a resilient background for individuals in order to cope with shocks and persistent emergencies to structural change" (Beck, 2008).

The pedagogical/educational emergency and the post-emergency cannot ignore the potentially traumatic nature of the crisis that it generates: attention to "emotional capital (which generates and nourishes political, social and moral values of the community) is credited as one of the main levers of socio-educational reconstruction in contexts of fragility" (Isidori, 2012).

This study traces the lines that identify the salient aspects of the pedagogy of vulnerability and emergency, and individuates what its relationship with technology can be, considering resilience and coping strategies fundamental elements to deal with an unexpected situation.


Pedagogy of emergency, pedagogy of vulnerability, resilience, digital pedagogy, antifragile

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